Alice Young Clark

Growing up in a Chinese household there were always ‘strange’ herbal remedies and pungent concoctions brewing. I have many fond memories of my mama convincing the family to drink chrysanthemum flowers mixed with gold coin grass, because we were giving off a ‘mousy’ smell. Mom would say, “Drink this because there is too much heat inside you!” As a fourth-generation herbalist, I continue to witness and experience the effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine and all its modalities in the modern world and its modern ailments.
It is my goal to provide a caring, integrative, and individualized medical treatment that will help prevent, maintain and restore balance in the body. I make every effort to educate my patients so they can take responsibility for maintaining their health and well-being. ​
“The body is an incredible machine that will heal itself given the right circumstances.”
- Unknown

“When you are ill take medicine, when you are well watch your diet.”
Chinese proverb

Acupuncture may be accompanied with a customized formula of Chinese herbs which is often used to treat chronic conditions. Each herbal formula is tailored to meet your body’s specific requirements to promote and restore balance. Chinese herbal medicine is prescribed based on the patient's body constitution and clinical condition at the time of diagnosis. As the condition of the patient evolves, the herbal formula also evolves along the way.
Acupuncture involves inserting very fine, sterile, disposable needles at specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of Qi. The incredibly thin needles are barely felt when inserted, and are used only once. Needles are usually left in for approximately 30 minutes to rebalance the body’s Qi. Acupuncture is very safe with virtually no adverse effects or complications when practiced by a Registered Acupuncturist.
Cupping was developed thousands of years ago and though the techniques have modernized, the original philosophy remains the same. Cupping involves placing glass, bamboo or plastic jars on the skin and creating a vacuum by suctioning out the air. The underlying tissue is raised, or sucked, partway into the cup. The purpose of cupping is to enhance circulation, help relieve pain, remove "heat" and pull out the toxins that linger in your body's tissues.
Nutrition and dietary therapy is an essential aspect of Chinese medicine. The Chinese have known for thousands of years the direct correlation between what we eat and our health. Even before the development of acupuncture and Chinese herbs, foods were used by traditional peoples to heal diseases and build immunity. The Chinese medicine model of nutritional therapy is sophisticatedand there are many factors that contribute to determining which foods help with certain diseases and imbalances.
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. In traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion is used on people who have a cold or stagnant condition. The burning of moxa expels cold and warm the meridians, which leads to smoother flow of blood and qi.
Gua sha is a therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve circulation. In gua sha, a practitioner scrapes your skin with short or long strokes to stimulate microcirculation of the soft tissue, which increases blood flow. They make these strokes with a smooth-edged instrument known as a gua massage tool. The practitioner applies massage oil to your skin, and then uses the tool to repeatedly scrape your skin in a downward motion.
COVID Health Protocols
Stay home if you are sick.
Wait in your vehicle and Alice will bring you in.
A mask is required in the clinic and during treatment.
Sanitize hands upon entry and exit.